Always remember what I do for you in times of trouble. You personally experience My comfort, guidance, and promise to be all you need. My Children’s prayers for an awakening in the heart’s of the people of America are being heard and recorded in the chronicles of Heaven. Your faith is strong, as many of My Children are exhibiting. Believe that I have charge of all I allow. Nothing happens out of My control.
I do not take complete control though, because I want to give people who do not accept Me a chance to change their minds. Unfortunately, it often takes trials and hardships to cause them to look outside themselves and up to Me. It is worthwhile for them to go through difficulty if it opens their heart’s to turn to Me, so I may comfort them and relieve their pain.
It does not have to be that way though. If only they would STOP and ask Me to come into their life. If they would tell Me they believe in Me or even WANT to believe in ME. If they would just acknowledge their sins and ask for forgiveness, I WILL REVEAL MYSELF to them because I already LOVE them. Dear Children, pray for them unceasingly.
It does not have to be that way though. If only they would STOP and ask Me to come into their life.