(If you have given your life to the Lord, trusted Him for forgiveness of your sins, trusted His LOVE for you, and trusted His gift of Eternal Salvation, NOW ask the Holy Spirit (the third person of the God Trinity) to guide you in keeping the Ten Commandments. (WHY?? Because this kind of existence secures…
Category: Prayer Journal
Are You Frustrated?
(When we are frustrated about God not doing what we feel He has told us, it is because we are not trusting Him and we have not let go. There is a shorter route to His Plan, but we need to be ready. To get ready, we put whatever it is back in His Hands…
(Message I received in 2004. Remember a thousand years is as a day for the Lord.) Dear Children, this is a time of grave importance because Satan is waging a war against all that is good and decent in this world. I am here to help you prevent this take over, but you must STAND…
Israel And America–Lord Help Us
(Lord God, Almighty God, the only God, please shield Israel from all their enemies because in doing so, You are DEFEATING YOUR ENEMIES. Please do the same for us in America. Even though we don’t deserve it, PLEASE STOP this front that is diverting America from a God fearing and loving Nation to one that…
Be A Beacon Of Hope
Let your light shine in the face of everyone you meet. Let your love for Me touch people everywhere, who are heavy-laden with the cares of the world. You, My Children, are to be My Light that lifts their spirits. Whenever the Holy Spirit leads you, STOP and give them a shot in the heart…
My Children KNOW
(Dear Jesus, there is so much evil and sadness in the world. Good people are being persecuted, held hostage, tortured, and killed. Why does man always want to take over someone else? They are never satisfied. Satan fuels their desire to destroy anything good, righteous, and the LOVE of Almighty God of Heaven and earth.)…
You Are So Wonderful!
(Oh Jesus, You are my strength, my resolve, my purpose. Thank You for Calling me to be a Child in Your Kingdom, so I could KNOW my Father, Almighty God and receive Everlasting Life forevermore. (You help me so much in dealing with everyday life. It is Miraculous to watch Your Ways manifested before my…
Work To Be Done
Dear Child, My Presence in the affairs of the world is felt most strongly by those individuals who KNOW Me. The effects of your prayers are felt and witnessed by the whole world because My allegiance is with you. Do not feel defeated. The armies of Heaven are at your disposal, IF you put the…
A Better Way
Always remember what I do for you in times of trouble. You personally experience My comfort, guidance, and promise to be all you need. My Children’s prayers for an awakening in the heart’s of the people of America are being heard and recorded in the chronicles of Heaven. Your faith is strong, as many of…
You Have The Power…Use It!
Dear Children of the King, use this authority I have given you in My Son Jesus’ name. Stand firm in the POWER I have given you over Satan and his evil destructive agenda. He has already been defeated, but through lies, jealousy, pride, hatred, and the quest for power man has succumbed. Without Me at…