(Thank You, dear Jesus, for a great day yesterday. We are so blessed!)
My Children who live in Me and for Me shall have all that My Kingdom offers. There is no limit to what I desire to give you. However, I also NEED YOU. You are an intricate part of My Plan for mankind. YOU are My Father’s Plan to generate the loving goodness of His Son. YOU are to be about your Father’s business just as I was. Pray and seek the wisdom, awareness, prudence, kindness, and boldness it takes to get the knowledge of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and the power of the Holy Spirit’s message out to save all mankind, which was planned by the Father from the beginning of time. Go to all the world, your immediate present surroundings, and tell them about Me. Show them how loving, kind, and forgiving I am by YOUR WORDS and YOUR ACTIONS. Pray for them to open their hearts to Me, dear Children.
You are to be about your Father’s business just as I was.