My Child, you are My servant. You are doing My Work. You are boldly spreading My Name wherever you go and this is pleasing and fulfilling the Will of the Father. You can be confident of your Calling to serve. I know you and your heart. I have much work for you to do for the Kingdom of Harvested Souls.
The Father is Calling His Children to a deeper walk, a devotion worth laying aside personal desires for. I want you to give as many as possible the chance to know how much they are loved and what is in store for them, if they COME TO ME and TRUST ME with their life.
I know, My Children, the world is always pulling you the exact opposite from the Holiness of following Me, but your reward is instant with the very evidence of My Presence. As you are willing to lay down your life, moment my moment, incident by incident, opportunity by opportunity, I will show you more and more of Me and this is the most Joyful, Fulfilling, Rewarding experience you can ever have.
Be Mine…I am yours completely. I love you, My Children. (I love You, Sweet Jesus. Thank You for being so patient with Me. Please give me the grace to be kind and patient and gentle… PLEASE!)
…a devotion worth laying aside personal desires for.