(We had rain, freezing rain, and then an inch and a half snow It is only 20* degrees outside. I tried to get my parking lot cleared off, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want my customers to slip and fall when they came the next day. Two Angels showed up in my shop parking lot and cleared off the snow and ice. They had driven by earlier and stopped to say hello and asked if I needed some help. I said, “No, but thank you. ” I went inside eventually, giving up. Several hours later, I looked out and it was completely cleared off. Those two guys came back and did that for me. It had to be them. I have never seen them again. How sweet of them! Lord, please bless them in a very powerful way so they know You did it.)
My Child, these servants are living the way I desire all to live—–caring for others, going out of their way for others. I will indeed bless them with Heavenly Blessings even on this earth. I want the blessing to come solely from Me this time. This is an opportunity for you to learn to receive blessings and cherish the feeling so you will desire to think often of ways to bless others in your path.
I know it is easier to give than receive, but My Children must learn this also.
This is an opportunity for you to learn to receive blessings…