(Holy Father, we praise Thy Name!)
Dear Child, enter into thanksgiving and praise with a heartfelt confidence when you pray. Come to Me with strength of conviction and assurance of My Word and Promises. Each of you who KNOW Me can be sure of all I say in My Word. Your lives are mapped out with regard to what the Father knows you will love and what is best. Yes, He wants you to have what you love, but sometimes what you end up with is not what you thought you loved. He brings about the best for you and also brings you to the place of agreement with Him. Because you surrendered to His Will, your minds become one and you love what the Father knew was best for you. Stay close to always be in the inner circle of His Wisdom, to always be able to hear His Divine Voice through the Holy Spirit speaking in your heart. Be ever vigilant, listening for guidance to His Perfect Will in all situations. Pray ahead of time and there will be peace and assurance, even during the darkness, before He shines His Glorious Light on the answer or solution.
stay close to always be in the inner circle of His Wisdom…