(Oh Father, Thy Will Be Done in all things concerning me!)
Dear Child, go forward each day as you are led by My Holy Spirit. There is no mystery. There is only OBEDIENCE. As you recognize His prompting, you are responsible for making the next move. When you hesitate, that is proof of your Will fighting Mine. In this state, possible reasons for hesitation are fear, insecurity, or plain disregard. Most of all, lack of TRUST in ME, which results in LOSS of PEACE.
You will find that the Holy Spirit will come back to you at various times about the same matter, but if you continue to ignore His gentle Voice in your heart, it will become more and more faint until you do not even notice it anymore. This is a sin of omission. To quench the Voice of God and neglect My CALLING is disobedience to the Will of Almighty God your Creator, who loves you more than anything.
…if you continue to ignore His Voice in your heart