Dear Child, all is well with you.
I will give you the strength and clarity of mind to perform your duties. Just keep your eyes on Me for all you needs. I am your Father, Brother, and Teacher. You are very important to Me and I will always take care of you as you seek Me in prayer, devotion, and obedience.
Let the earth speak to you of My Wisdom. The earth is proclaiming what is to come. Let My Words resonate along with what you see happening. Focus on the things that matter…..that of Heavenly things. Get ready to face hardship, but know all along that I am with you and I am taking perfect care of you and as long as you keep your eyes on Me. You can live without fear and WITH PERFECT PEACE. Let not your heart fear anything because you KNOW ME and understand that My Words and Promises are TRUE.
Only those who have not given their lives to Me will suffer the brunt of all that is to come. You, My Children, who have spent time alone with Me, who have called on Me for help and trusted in peace and praise, will find comfort even during it all.
(Lord Jesus, what are You talking about?) A time is coming when you will suffer persecution because of Me. I want you to be strong, grounded, confident, and focussed KNOWING that I WILL DELIVER YOU! Rest now KNOWING this. (T.Y.J. I will not ask You more.) Be at peace, dear Children; I am always with you.
Let not your heart fear anything because you KNOW ME and understand that My Words and Promises are TRUE.