(Speak to my heart, dear Father, dear Jesus, dear Holy Spirit.)
Making My Work your priority again lately is very important to Me. All those who read these Miracle accounts will be able to see how I truly work in the lives of those who trust Me. Many Children know Me, but still do not realize to what extent they can expect My intervention in their lives. Many still think of Miracles as a thing of the past. Not so! Your faithfulness, patience, and persistence will be rewarded in the lives these Miracle accounts touch. I definitely will use your diligent efforts to bring awareness of My Faithfullness to many souls. Never doubt My Words to you. Your efforts are already blessed and a Perfect Plan is in place. Just be OBEDIENT as this Plan is revealed to you by the Power of the Holy Spirit. (T.Y.J.)
Your efforts are already blessed and a Perfect Plan is in place.