(Thank You, Father in advance, for Your favor over us. Thank You for guiding the doctors hands today to be able to repair this aneurysm and not have to block off the artery completely. Lord, I am asking You, my Father, to take my precious husband HOME before he has to live in pain and or lose his independence. You created him so I know You love him even more than I could. You know he has suffered a lot in his life already, so I thank You and Praise You for Your Perfect Will. I trust You completely.)
Dear Child, I will take care of everything PERFECTLY for your husband and you will be PERFECTLY prepared for My PERFECT WILL. There is no need to fear; there is no need to look at the circumstances because I do not operate according to the laws of the world. You and your husband are a part of My Spiritual World and you both will be dealt with according to the laws of that world. My Angels are keeping the Father ‘s Plan on course.
Let go, SURRENDER your desires concerning your husband. Let Me take command of the situation. When you let go, then I can begin to move mountains for you. Your husbands last words before his procedure were perfectly in the Father ‘s Will. He said, “I ‘m not worried at all because the Lord ‘s Will is going to be done and His Plan is Perfect. ” Live this way in all facets of your life for total peace through all things. Live with Praise and Worship on your lips for whatever I do because you TRUST Me explicitly. You KNOW I love you so.
(HOURS LATER: Lord God, thank You for Your Faithfulness to us. The doctor just told us they didn ‘t have to block off the artery in my husbands groin, which would stop blood flow to the pelvis resulting in chronic pain with problems in the intestines, bowels, etc. Thank You so much for Your Favor over Your Children who KNOW You and BELLIEVE in You.) (They are ordering a coil that will somehow take care of the aneurysm that was larger than showed up on the CT Scan, so we will have this procedure done again in a couple of weeks. Oh dear Father, You are so good to those who LET GO and TRUST You to work Your Perfect Will. I know that someday You will take him HOME, but I could tell You were not preparing me for that this time; I could just tell. I was very peaceful about his recovery and I KNOW that was Your doing.) .
..there is no need to look at the circumstances because I do not operate according to the laws of the world.