Dear Child, your love and heartfelt prayers for A.& H. HAVE BEEN HEARD.
The power I have given My Children is as strong as the power I possess. You, as My representative, must live and act accordingly. Be prepared to use My Power for good to those I put on your heart. Be of service to Me by using the gifts and power over Satan that I have given you. Remember, one day you will be accountable for these gifts and power. I expect you, My Children who KNOW Me and My Word, to live and act accordingly. Be on the lookout for whomever I send your way. Say My name, Jesus, look into their eyes, and listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit in your heart. Let Me guide you to carry out the Father’s Will in your life and in the lives of those you encounter. Be a blessing to Me.
Let Me guide you to carry out the Father’s Will.