(Thank You, Jesus, for today.)
Listen closely, My Child, this is going to be a very important year for believer’s. Where you stand with Me will be measured. You cannot say you are a Christian and then not live it. I mean that, if you choose this kind of lukewarm existence, the results cannot be changed; they will remain assigned to you. Conversely, if you really desire to follow Me and My teaching, if you stand up for Me to your fellowman as well to yourself when no one is looking, with this devoted fellowship through the Power of the Holy Spirit, you, My Children, can make a very significant difference in the world for Heaven’s Harvest. Just make up your mind to seek out in prayer what it is I have for you to do. Find what your PURPOSE is. Ask and you shall know. Ask in prayer and listen to My Voice in your heart.
Dear Children, I say these things again and again because the world puts so many noisy distractions before you constantly.
They take away your peace; have you noticed?
Come to Me; My calm peacefulness will drown out the noise and unrest of the world.
Just make up your mind to seek out in prayer what it is I have for you to do.