(Holy God, I praise Your Loving Kindness to me!)
Dear Child, all that has happened has been a reward from My storehouse of Blessings. All My Children who take the first step, which at times feels like a risk but decides to completely TRUST ME, will experience My Love EVERY TIME. Your faithfulness to Me never goes unrewarded. Your needs never remain unattended. Your heart will always be comforted.
Those who truly give to Me ALL their life ‘s ups and downs, ALL their challenges and uncertainties, will be blessed with rewards in their daily lives. Look for My Blessings all day long. Each day I am with you and those who rely on Me and allow Me to take the controls will see rewards in their earthy life daily.
You, dear Children, do control your Freewill. I only want your TRUST in Me given FREELY from your heart.
I only want your TRUST in Me given FREELY from your heart.