My Child, COMING TO BE WITH ME is the MOST IMPORTANT decision you make EACH and EVERYDAY. You cannot afford to miss this time of love, teaching and guidance. Also, the peace you take from it effects your whole day and the people you come in contact with.
Let Me draw you ever closer to the Throne. My Father, your Father, is waiting to receive you, to lay His Hand upon your head, to anoint you to go then, and have the Grace to serve Him for that one day. Then He expects you to come back to the Throne again the next day so He can put His Hand upon your head and bless you again—anoint you again—to do His bidding for that day, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. NEVER STOP COMING. You NEED THIS in order to KNOW His Will and in order to HAVE the ANOINTING TO DO HIS WILL. COME BE WITH ME. I NEED YOU, MY CHILDREN.
Carry on your shoulders the burden of lost souls as I have and you will not put worldly things before the Father’s Will. Remember this, I am holding you responsible for the knowledge and insight that you have been given. Your faith in MY WORDS is a gift—appreciate it—HONOR it. Go in Peace and serve unceasingly, honorably, willingly.
…your Father is waiting to receive you, to lay His Hand upon your head.