Notes by Charles Stanley:
1. You must be Born-Again. John 3:3
2. You are a person who prays about everything. Prayer is a major part of your life. Luke 6:12
3. You listen to Him and take time to be quiet in His presence. When you come to Him with a sincere heart, you will hear His Wisdom and feel His Love. Matthew 17:5
4. You must believe Him. What part does Faith play in your life? John: 3:16
5. You obey Him. In fact, you DESIRE to obey Him because you KNOW Him. Obedience is essential! John 8:12
6. You fervently love God. That love for Him affects what you think and do. You are careful what you put in your mind. Mark 12-30
7. You share Him with others. It is our responsibility to tell others about Jesus Christ and lead others to know and love Him. Matthew 28:19
8. You serve Him in someway. You serve someone else in someway. He wants us to give ourselves away. Followers of Jesus are not self-centered. They notice when someone is hurting. They make a difference. John 12:26
9. You are willing to suffer for Him by making right choices that reflect Him and His Love, instead of the way of the world, because you KNOW Him personally.