(When we are frustrated about God not doing what we feel He has told us, it is because we are not trusting Him and we have not let go. There is a shorter route to His Plan, but we need to be ready. To get ready, we put whatever it is back in His Hands and we just Praise Him for His perfect Will and Timing.
(We get stronger in the Lord when we go through things, when we keep doing what’s right because it is RIGHT, even when seemingly God is doing nothing. We must keep our eyes stayed on our Beloved Creator who loves us more than we will ever be able to fathom.
(If we are faithful to Praise and Worship Him during this time of WAITING, we will see His Faithfulness demonstrated. We will be in awe and so blessed to see how He lovingly works His Plan in our life. In addition, we have grown closer to Him because of our experience in TRUSTING Him.)
(There is a shorter route to His Plan, but we need to be ready.)