Honestly I tell you, My Children, there is nothing you can ask for that I will not give you when you lay it at My Feet surrendering to My Perfect Will at the same time. Maybe some of you have a hard time understanding this, but really it is not hard.
For the best example, My son, Jesus, ASKED Me to spare His life in the Garden of Gethsemane, but then laid this desire at My Feet TRUSTING Me with His life. I gave Him back His life and gave Him all of you whom He asked Me for. He reigns with Me over Heaven and earth.
However, in My Perfect Plan, He had to go through trials and suffering, but the outcome was well worth it because He now has you, His Children, promised to Him by the Father. Do not see what you see as all there is to see.
ASK, LET GO, BELIEVE, and WATCH the unfolding of My PERFECT PLAN. Send out signals of love and kindness to everyone so I may use you to bring other’s to Me. My Promises are true for EVERYONE WHO ASKS!
Don’t see what you see as all there is to see.