Dear Child, I know you have good intentions about obeying what I have asked of you, but only through the Holy Spirit can you carry them out. I have told you to say Jesus, look into their eyes, and listen to the Holy Spirit. You are not remembering, which means this is not a priority in your heart and mind. Just think of all the mistakes you could avoid! NOW, I want you to make the three things I have told you to do a litany that you recite over and over all day long like you did in the convent—Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, pray for us, etc. Your litany is SAY JESUS, LOOK into their eyes, LISTEN to the HOLY SPIRIT. Recite these all day long until they are available to you each time someone is in front of you or speaking to you!
sAY Jesus, LOOK into their eyes, LISTEN to the Holy Spirit.