(My Mother went to Heaven three years ago today. I love you, my Sweet Precious Mother!)
His Son, the Father’s Son, is the ultimate sacrifice offered up for all mankind. Let as many as you are led to by the Holy Spirit, know this TRUTH: ‘God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son as a sacrifice for all mankind.’
Realize, you have a mission now that you know and believe. Tell others, but most of all, show them by the way you conduct your daily lives. They are watching! Be mindful always of your witness, sometimes in WORD, but most often in your ACTIONS.
~~~~~~~~~HOW TO BE ACCEPTED INTO GOD’S FAMILY:~~~~~~~~~~~~
I have come that you may have LIFE ‘, but you must come to Me in childlike faith and repentance accepting My Love and Forgiveness. Then I can receive you into My Heavenly Family to begin schooling you in My peaceful, joyful, other-minded way of life. Send Me your troubles once you give your life to Me. I will take them and replace in your being: peace, contentment, assurance that I will handle the problem for you and direct you if there is something for you to do. As you TRUST ME more and more with daily living situations, you will grow stronger in faith and want to share this carefree way of living even here on earth, plus the assurance of Life Everlasting in your new Home in Heaven.
Tell others, but most of all, show them by the way you conduct your daily lives.