Honor your Father in Heaven; His sacrifice for you was great. Make your life a living sacrifice by loving those who may not deserve it and caring for those who do not appreciate it. Help whenever and wherever you can in My Name.
Be present to those needing a listening ear, be compassionate to those who seem more needy than other’s. Present yourself as Joy filling the atmosphere so that other’s will love to hear where your Joy comes from. I know all of this is hard, that is why it is a sacrifice.
When you, My dear Children, realize how much I overlook the things you do, but still love, show compassion, listen, and give you My Joy, then you can more easily carry on in this same way with other’s. You are working in My stead; you are My workers to fill Heaven by your kindness and gentleness. Love others as I love you, dear Children!
Present yourself as Joy filling the atmosphere so that other’s will love to hear where your Joy comes from.