Notes from Charles Stanley:
“We have to live in this world on guard, especially when everything is going great for us. When we have everything, Satan will tell you, you need this, you need that. It will be a lie and taking us down a sinful road. Be on guard!”
Be careful when everything is going well. Don’t put God’s time on the back burner because a little bit of sin will develop into bigger and more sin. Stay close to God, spending time with Him, listening to His guidance, inspiration, and wisdom daily. He will keep you safe from Satan’s ploy. How long did it take Adam and Eve to lose everything? Are you wanting something that will destroy your life? When we sin, something dies on the inside of us until we say NO to the devil and YES to the Holy Spirit. Obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Be sensitive to things He shows us that don’t belong in our life. We should say, “NO, NO NO! ” Step out and begin DOING what the Lord is putting on your heart to do for Him and Satan will loose His deceiving voice, which will be replaced by the POWERFUL LOVING VOICE of your SAVIOR. “’
Be careful when everything is going well