(The Lord woke me up and this whole thing began running through my mind like on a teletype. As I lay there semiconscious, I thought, “I wish I could remember this to write it down.” I asked Jesus if He wanted me to get up, while I was actually trying to go back to sleep, but it was so pressing. And, even if I did get up, I couldn’t imagine what I could write; it was so long. I couldn’t even remember how it started. I did get up though. Half asleep, but knowing how the Lord works sometimes, I got a pen, paper and sat down at my desk. In faith, I just put pen to paper in plain obedience and this flowed like a river. It was a gift from Jesus for someone special!)
Birthdays are a time of Joy
~~~~~a time for Introspection.
Birthdays are a time for Fun
~~~~~a time for Reflection.
Birthdays are a time for Family
~~~~~a time for Inventory.
Birthdays are a time for counting Blessings
~~~~~a time for Honesty.
Birthdays are a time for Renewal
~~~~~a time for setting Goals.
Birthdays are a time of embarking on a New Road
~~~~~a time for setting a New Pace.
~~~~~~~~~~TO HAVE FULLNESS OF LIFE~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~one must keep one’s eyes on the mountain ahead.
~~~~~one must cross hills and valleys always looking at that mountain. Each hill crossed gives momentum for crossing the next.
~~~~~one must be determined to grow through setting goals and doggedly, little by little, crossing the hills and valleys that lead us to the mountain of our goal.
TO HAVE FULLNESS OF LIFE…..rich, exhilerating life…..
~~~~~one fights each day, determined no matter what, beginning again and again and again when falling, to reach whatever Goal deep in our heart is desperately CALLING to us.
FULLNESS OF LIFE is achieved when each new step is TAKEN and HELD toward this mountain.
In each of us is an innate desire to be in control. TO HAVE FULLNESS OF LIFE
~~~~~one will use discipline as a staff to reach their mountain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~OH THE GLORY, OH THE JOY, OH THE SATISFACTION, when man sets on a journey, determined to let nothing stop him, following day by day the path that leads straight to his mountain!!!!
Oh the Glory, Oh the Joy, Oh the Satisfaction!