(Thank You, Jesus, for getting Your website fixed like You wanted it. You said it would be even better than before and it is as You declared. You always keep Your promises—ALWAYS!)
Dear Child, you trusted Me, you stood by Me, and you obeyed Me. This is why I was able to show you My Power and Bless you. If My Children will truly and confidently put their Faith in Me, they will see Supernatural Power and Blessing released into their life situations also.
SEEK Me by spending time in My Presence, LISTEN to My Voice in your heart, who is the Holy Spirit, and OBEY what you hear. I LOVE you and I want to show you the way to a life that counts for something now, as well as in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Let Me help you grow into a formidable advocate for the Love of Jesus My Son, and for everyone you meet. Love them to Me; to Heaven. Love them to receive all I have stored up for those who believe in Me and give themselves to Me.
Truly and confidently put your Faith in Me to see Supernatural Power and Blessing released into your life.