(Father, what am I going to do? I cannot remember to say, “Jesus ” so I cannot remember to listen to the Holy Spirit way too often. Therefore, I fail in someway in my interaction with people when I’m out running errands. Not all the time, of course. In fact, much less than I used to. I am expecting more from myself in this area than I used to, so I feel terrible even when I forget to smile and look them in the eye. I am too wrapped up in the business I am conducting with them sometimes that I don’t give them enough attention. I want to bring them a good experience from You when I am in front of them, but I’m not able to remember to use the tools you gave me and I know they would work. What am I going to do?)
Dear child, put a note in your car. Put a note in your billfold in a window section so that you see it every time you get to the checkout. Put one in your desk drawer to see each day, in the bathroom cabinet that you will see each morning, and at the dinner table to remind you with Hans. You do this, your life will change and Grace from the Father will pour all over you to enable you to experience genuine concern and patient love for others like never before. The notes will read, “SAY JESUS–LOOK AT THEM–LISTEN TO HOLY SPIRIT. ” (OK Lord, I’ll do it! T.Y.J.)
Follow these instructions.