(Thank You, Lord, for the specifically asked and answered prayer yesterday. And thank You for this message for someone special.)
Am I just CALLING in the wind that so many don ‘t hear Me? I have made My position perfectly clear. Yet, many just look the other way. Don ‘t they realize that this is their chance for life after death? Without Me, there is only death!
Pray much for those who struggle to let go and believe in Me. When they but turn to Me just to learn more about Me, I will touch them with My Love and they will know there is much more. To know Me, little ones, you must choose to seek Me. Just COME TO ME and ASK Me to reveal Myself to you somehow; I will! The reason you need to ASK is because I will not force Myself on you; it is your choice to seek Me and find out personally if I am real. You are in complete control of your choices.
The company is successful because you have put Me FIRST. Your devotion to Me has been exemplary, but now, I am CALLING you to a deeper level of dedication and TRUST. I have a greater Plan than you realize. I know you are concerned about all those you will leave behind someday and your desire is to have them provided for, BUT DON ‘T FORGET, you would not have come this far from nothing if it had not been My Will and you had not saught to keep Me FIRST in your life and daily actions.
Now, I need you to present this company as an AMBASSADOR for Me. I have not told you anything false in the previous instructions. If you believe in Me, if I am truly the most important concern of your life, then act in TRUST and OBEDIENCE.
Here are My instructions again: use this company to further the cause of patriotism for the Christian nation of America to remind people of what is real and true. Use this company as a banner to remind people that I am what made America great…..belief in Me. Because of your OBEDIENCE, I will PROMISE to prosper you and your family and your employees in health, wealth, peace and long life.
Now, you can sit on these instructions, as you did the first time, or you can pick up your cross (My PLan for you) and OBEY. It is only a cross until you DECIDE to step out in FAITH and ACT on that FAITH, then it becomes a spiritual experience that floods the soul with Joyful fulfillment and CLOSENESS to the Throne. My Arms are around you, dear Child. You cannot fall when I am holding you. When you step out in FAITH in OBEDIENCE, all of Heaven Rejoices and Peace will flood your soul. Go in Peace and remember what your existence means. Ask Me to give you the courage to obey; I will!
Just COME TO ME and ASK Me to reveal Myself to you somehow; I will!