Dear Child, I love you and all My Children, those who TRUST Me to lead them in life to their best and who KNOW they will spend all Eternity with Me. Conserve your strength for blessing others. Do not waste it on problems, uncertainties, precarious future plans. Give all that to Me. Lay all that at My feet. I am in charge of the trials in your life as well as the blessings. I manage them both. I have a reason for allowing adversity. You must continue to grow in your faith and trust in Me so you can share with others the way I took care of you through it all. This also keeps you from just thinking of yourself and encourages empathy and sympathy for others going through trying times. Share Me with them. I take care of all those who give their life to Me with sorrow for their sins. From the moment of that decision, you are Mine to lead and care for. (T.Y.J.)
I am in charge of the trials in your life as well as the blessings