Aug.22nd: (Read from a spiritual book, prayed in the Spirit to praise and worship the Lord of Host for healing my husband today in the hospital. When they went in, the back of the heart was NOT deteriorating like they said the scan showed. In fact, the doctor said that his heart was very strong and that new veins had grown where by-passes had been done before and the blood flow was very good. Thank You, Jesus, for Your Promises and for answering the prayers of all those interceding for us. Please bless them abundantly.)
(Holy, Holy God of Mercy and Might! You are all Holy above the Heavens and below the earth!)
My Child, rest in the assurance of My Promises. If you continue to seek Me, I will bring you into the person you want to be. Be so other minded that you think about what someone else wants or would like before you ask yourself. Be an anticipator of others needs; think about others. Be willing, be alert; I will teach you.
Be an anticipator of others needs; think about others.