My Child, letting others have the right of way in many things is a noble gesture. For instance, when there is a discussion and each person is sure something is a certain way, let go and let others shine. Don ‘t persist in arguing about who is right. If you do, in the end the true answer won ‘t even matter; only the discord that resulted will be remebered. Unless there is a defining moral issue that you must defend, LET GO!
And if you must defend Me, what I stand for and what you believe, then do it gently, graciously and make it short, then depart. I do not want My Children caught up in debate about My Principles. Speak the truth and then excuse yourself, leaving others the opportunity to think instead of argue.
Dear Children, My Life is literally an open book. Once you have made people aware of Me, if only they would listen, then it is their responsibility to seek Me for themselves. Of course, I am watching them and longing for them to even slightly turn toward Me, because then I can give them a glimpse of Me just for themselves personally. Pray much for those who don ‘t know Me and have never been able to turn to Me for help. Never stop praying for them to look to Me for LOVE. I am always waiting!
Unless there is a defining moral issue that you must defend, LET GO!