Dear Child, come to Me with all your cares.
Talk to Me about your worries and fears and after this begin to recall what I say in My Word. Recall the promises I have made to you, to all who believe in Me. Especially confident are those who have given Me their life, surrendering all to Me and trusting My Love. When I have this kind of trust from My Children, they can come to Me with anything, ask My guidance, give the problem to Me to handle, and rest in MY Peace and Assurance.
Get My Word into your heart by DAILY reading and contemplating its meaning with the Holy Spirit enlightening your mind. This is how to KNOW Me and KNOW that what I say is TRUTH. You will then KNOW that you can count on Me ALWAYS for ANYTHING at ANYTIME for ALL your NEEDS and for PEACE beyond understanding. Make it a priority to delve deeper and deeper into My Word to understand Me more and more. Your Joy will overflow, dear Children.
Get My Word into your heart by DAILY reading and contemplating its meaning. The Holy Spirit will help you to KNOW Me and KNOW that what I say is TRUTH.