My Child, are you one of My Children really? (Yes, Lord, You said I was.) Yes, but I need to know if you will stick to Me and by Me even when things are not easy and rosy. (Well, Lord, I have every intention of doing so. If I had to choose between You and losing my life—I know I would pick You.) OK, I will be sure to give you the grace that is needed, if that choice ever comes because of your willingness to be with Me and serve Me. (Thank You, Jesus.)
Resting in My assurance is the only way to live because of all that happens in daily life. Your pain and suffering are all allowed for a purpose and I am in control of that purpose. So, trust Me and ask Me to show you what that purpose is and what I want you to do in it. I am the only ONE you can always be sure of in any and all situations, times and places. I am everywhere and I am always with you. Continue to be with Me each day so I can teach you My Ways and My Will in your life. I love you, My Child. (I love You too Father, Son and Holy Spirit.) Call on Me whenever you have any questions. (T.Y.J.)
Trust Me and ask Me to show you what that purpose is and what I want you to do in it.