(Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for this day and all you have in mind to teach me.)
Dear Child, there is one thing that I want you to learn for sure: giving of yourself in a new way. Go beyond your usual pattern. Look for ways to serve others. Be alert to what is going on around you. Put this mindset ahead of your agenda. Plan for your duties, but then turn your focus to Me and then to everyone in your line of sight. If you have a thought toward a particular person, follow that small gentle voice in your heart. Do what your being called to do at that moment. Try not to miss a single chance to make a difference in someone’s life. Do not worry that the thought may be from you instead of the Holy Spirit. That is your human nature saying to you, “Maybe I don’t have to do it because it may be my idea.”
DO IT ANYWAY! Remember, I am leading, inspiring, and gently nudging you to serve.
You cannot go wrong doing good.
Try not to miss a single chance to make a difference…