Thank You, dear Jesus, for all the times You saved me from harm, when I stupidly put myself in dangerous situations. The Holy Spirit redirected me, stopped me in my tracks and gave me warnings that, because I was praying, saved me from being harmed or worse. Thank You for Your guardian Angels. Please do the same for my three grandchildren. (T.Y.J.)
Dear Child, this is what My Love for you will always produce. I have promised My protection, My guidance, and My constant counsel. Each of My Children have all of this and more if they spend time with Me, trust Me, and seek My Will. My Holy Spirit will show you ways to lead a closer life with Me. I can speak to your heart and you will listen and ward off the dangers that Satan is constantly dangling over you and ahead in your path. He cannot hurt you though, when I am fully in your heart and My Name Jesus is emphatically in your mind and on your lips.