(First day of Lent. The movie “The Passion ” opened today. Lord, please let it be a blessing to many many people. T.Y.J.)
Apparently, the pull of world on man ‘s time is more intense than he can withstand. This is why I CALL man to Me. If man continues to go the way of the world…..follow the ever intensifying pressurizing call of the world…..he will blow a fuse one way or another. Either by overindulgence of alcohol, food, sex or by greed, selfishness, vengence, jealousy, pride, any one of these leads to loss of health, position, peace, stability and happiness.
I came to give you a way of life that allows you to be free. Living with Me in your heart and the Holy Spirit teaching and guiding, the Father ‘s Promises can be manifested before your very eyes. You will actually see how He Miraculously works in your daily life as you seek His Will in each and every situation and encounter. And the way you do this is to be in Praise and Thanks, Surrendering to His Will, saying “Jesus ” all day long, LISTENING for His Voice of Wisdom in your heart. Doing this, He will never let you go wrong; He will keep you on the Path of the Father ‘s Plan for your life which is PERFECT. As you do this, you will actually see, literally witness, His Plan unfolding before you.
(Praise You sweet Jesus! Thank You so much for letting me KNOW You!)
I came to give you a way of life that allows you to be free.