Dear Child, your prayers are heard. Your obedience taking authority in My sons name, Jesus Christ, has been felt in Satan’s world. He is truly affected by faith in My WORD that overcomes evil in the world, in one’s life. My Children are not to take what Satan throws at them lying down. I have given you POWER over his lies and attempts at destroying your trust in Me. POWER from the HOLY SPIRIT, CALLED FORTH in JESUS’ NAME, will conquer Satan every time. Speak My WORD to him. Put him in his place under your feet. Do not accept his abusive rhetoric because he lies to you. Tell him what YOU KNOW!
“Satan, you come to me with sword and spear, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of the armies of Heaven and of Israel; the very GOD you defied! TODAY, the LORD WILL CONQUER YOU!” 1 Samuel 17:45-46
“The Lord is faithful. He will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.” 2 Thessalonians 3:3
This, dear Children, is where your POWER comes from—-the sword of the Holy Spirit—-the WORD of GOD. Use it to resist fear, worry, confusion, temptation, sickness, restlessness, depression, over-indulgence of any kind, and all signs of Satan’s attempt to destroy your life and your joy. (Thank You, Jesus, for giving us POWER over Satan and giving us Your PEACE and JOY.)
Do not accept his abusive rhetoric because he lies to you. Your POWER comes from—-the sword of the Holy Spirit—-the WORD of GOD.