Happy, content, and peaceful are those who understand their mission on earth and who choose to accomplish it. Many of My Children know what I want them to do, but refuse to be dedicated to it. They will have to answer for thei egligence before the Father at the end of their life on earth. Each of you must begin taking your purpose seriously because no one else can take your place. You have been chosen to perform a particular task or tasks by the Father. Can you imagine standing in front of Him while He asks you, “Why did you ignore My Call? Why did you choose not to do what I clearly asked of you? Why did you doubt My Words to you that I would indeed provide all that was needed to accomplish the task? Why were you too lazy or uninterested to serve Me when I let you know how much I needed you? ” Dear Children, do not let this happen to you! You will be so brokenhearted when you are allowed to feel how much you hurt your Father after all His Love for you. Please be convicted and convinced of your part in the Father’s Plan to bring as many as possible into His Kingdom.
(Oh Lord, thank You for the Grace to do what is asked of me.)
Dear Children, do not let this happen to you!