(Holy God, we Praise Thy Name!)
Dear Child, there will be a time of trials on earth that lead to suffering for many of you who believe in Me and stand with Me. I am not saying this will be easy, BUT I am saying that I am and will always be right with you. And if you faithfully, decidedly, relentlessly KEEP YOUR MIND and HEART steadfast on ME, I WILL SOFTEN THE HARDSHIP AND DELIVER YOU WITH PEACE AND MIRACULOUS POWER BEYOND YOUR HUMAN UNDERSTANDING. Now, for you to be able to utilize this gift described above you must prepare each day of your life starting immediately.
This entails prayer and devotion with Me DAILY. This means practicing what you read in My Word. Actually begin living according to My Word. Look for others who need help, encouragement, who need Me. Put yourself down under their feet to lift them to see the monumental inexhaustible LOVE I have for them. I will allow them to see your love for them as an extension of My Love for them. When times of suffering come, you will be able to stay focused on Me, because you trained in this everyday when problems and issues came up that would normally cause fear, anxiety, unrest, frustration, or depression. You will be equipped to handle whatever comes because of the Power of the Holy Spirit living in you and because of your willingness to presently, daily, seek His Wisdom before unpleasant things come up.
If you have ears, LISTEN!’