(Lord, I surrender all the things I have reservations about because I TRUST You to take care of each one or let me know what to do. T.Y.J.)
Your plan for a trip in October is fine. I will prepare the way for you and, as long as you keep Me FIRST, love each other with kindness, live in service to each other, your Blessings will abound. Say My Name often to be alerted to My right way of living. The Holy Spirit is just waiting to teach you genuine patient caring love with joyful kindness.
Make Me your life’s love! I exist to bring all those who TRUST Me into the Joy of Heaven. Following Me is a pleasure when you obey. Keep coming! The more time we spend together, the more you see the fuller picure and the more desire you ‘ll have to live in and through Me for the propagation of FAITH. Come, little Children, come in to live where protection is promised and ever growing love abounds. Be prepared to serve and you will be served by the Father in Heaven. Remember, life on earth is just a journey to choose Me or not. If you choose Me, then give all to Me and I will develop you into a powerful instrument that will bring many more into the Kingdom. Yours is not to worry about how, but only to seek Me, obey and love others above all else.
I exist to bring all those who TRUST Me into the Joy of Heaven.