5:30AM (Woke up feeling drawn to prayer.)
My Child, you are in My constant protection and care. I am well pleased with the constant strength of your faith and trust in Me. You can be sure that I am not going to pull any surprises on you as long as you stay in constant contact with Me. Anyone who loves Me as you do and who trust Me as you do, can be sure of My constant leading and guiding and My constant Love and protection.
(Lord Jesus, please give my husband and I the opportunity to serve You more during the rest of our lives.) I will because that is the Plan of My Father for each of His Children–to serve and teach others more and more about Me. I am surely not going to come back until all the world has had a chance to choose Me, to follow Me to Heaven. Rest assured that this world is a place only for travel to My Home in Heaven and I want all the children of the world with Me.
Come to Me daily so I can be a constant teacher and uplifter for you. Then you can share My teaching as the Holy Spirit leads you. You are a good and faithful servant, but I want to take you into My Bosom even closer and transform your heart to be like Mine. LOVING OTHERS is the KEY to ETERNAL LIFE with Me. Only as you learn to really feel and care about others before yourselves will you have an inkling of what real love from the Father is like.
I cannot tell you the future because man does better not to know, but I will tell you that life on this earth is not what life really is. This is but a dribble in the vast majestic beauty of real living in the presence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Your Mother is really loving her new home in Heaven. You can surely be, really and securely be, at peace because she is. (T.Y.J.)
I am going to tell you what I want you to know as you need to know. Just spend time with Me daily to prevent the emptiness of life creeping in. Fill up on Me and life on earth will be fullER and fulfillING. I love you, My Child. (I love You too, Dear Jesus, Dear Holy Spirit, Dear Father of Heaven and earth.)
(Dear Jesus, thank You for healing my husband faster and easier than the other times. I am totally in Your hands and so is he. Thank You for drawing all of our family closer and closer to You. Thank You for the wonderful family You have given us. Lord, please draw all the nieces and nephews into Your fold. Please give them the gift of faith in You. T.Y.J.)
Just spend time with Me daily to prevent the emptiness of life creeping in.