Thank You, dear Jesus, for taking on Satan’s attempts to destroy us.
Thank You for what You suffered for us. When You died, our sins and sicknesses died. When You rose from the grave, we were free from sin, sickness, and death—separation from You for ALL ETERNITY. (Satan tries to put us back where we were before Jesus came to earth for us, but what we hear from Satan is always a lie. You told us what to do, “Rebuke Satan in Your Name, JESUS! ” We even have examples where You did just what You ‘re telling us to do. You even gave us more power over him than You had on this earth, through Your Gift of the Holy Spirit, IF we speak to him in the authority of Your Name, JESUS.
(We have to KNOW You deeply, intimately though. To have the strength and confidence You had, we must KNOW You because of spending precious time in Your company. You had it because You KNEW Your Father. You KNEW His Word was TRUTH. We MUST KNOW deep down, built on a strong relationship, that Your Word is TRUTH. (Then, we can speak to Satan with authority KNOWING IT IS DONE! It was DONE 2,000 years ago, when Jesus Christ paid the price for our freedom from the snares of Satan, Sin, Sickness, and Death. Make known to others what you KNOW to be the TRUTH).
We can speak to Satan with authority KNOWING it is done!