Dear Child, resting in My Will without knowing anything about what it is, this is true pure FAITH in Me. This is proof of steadfast FAITH in Me. I will always reward this kind of devotion. I can use this kind of strong representative to carry out great things for the Kingdom. My purpose, My desire is for mankind to share My Kingdom. In order for him to do this, he must have certain beliefs and prove them by the conduct and accomplishments of his life concerning the Father, son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.
JAMES 2:24—- “So you see, a man is saved by what he does as well as by what he believes. ”
Has he been faithful?
Has he represented Me in everyday life?
Has he promoted Me to others by encouraging those who are lost?
Has his life been spent in the service of the Kingdom and what it represents and promises?
If you are not clear or sure about what I mean, just SPEND TIME ALONE WITH ME. Talk to Me, ask Me questions, read My Word. The Holy Spirit will always open your eyes and heart to understand, if you give Him TIME, ASK Him, and then LISTEN.
If you are not clear or sure about what I mean…