Dear Child, Heaven and earth are not going to be the end of time.
My creation will go on forever, but only those with Me will be happy and fulfilled. The others will be miserable for all Eternity. This is not a threat, only reality. Many do not believe Me and unfortunately they will find out the harsh way, the everlasting dreadful way. Dear children of the world, I do not want this for any of you. I want ALL of you with Me in Paradise where My Father reigns forever in love and peace. Do you not want this? At least make the effort to find out more about it. Read My Word in the Bible. Get to know about Me and then decide what you believe, what you want to live by and die by and how you want to spend Eternity. At least ask Me to reveal Myself to you if I exist. I will answer you so that you can make a heartfelt decision. Do NOT just trust what the world advocates because then your decision is one sided. Find out for yourself, dear children of the world.
Do you not want this?