(Thank You, dear Father, for choosing us, for giving us good parents who loved You and taught us to love You. Thank You for Your mercy and kindness, Your protection and guidance. Thank You for our success in our relationship with You and in the world while we’re here. You are so wonderful also for giving us the precious Holy Spirit who never stops or gives up on leading us closer to Your Throne.)
Dear Child, I love you for wanting to grow in the things of Holiness. I am your helper and deliverer, so I will show you the ways compatible with Heaven. You will know when you have missed the mark and your Joy will let you know the wisdom of your Godly choices. The Holy Spirit is with you, in you at all times, once you have given your life to Me. If you seek and listen, He tells you the right direction, the right attitude, the right words. He will always be your companion and teacher until one day you enter the Holy of Holies to experience the fullness of GOOD, PURITY, SELFLESSNESS, the fullness of DIVINE LOVE.
Be about your Father’s business, for the reward awaits you, dear Children of the King.
He will always be your companion and teacher…