Be prepared and Scripture savvy to combat the enemy…..satan.
His foothold in your life is secured completely and singularly with YOUR PERMISSION. There is no other way for him to influence you, confuse you, or misguide you. If you are having difficulty in one or more areas of your life, it is because you have not COME to Me, ASKED My help, LEFT the problem with Me, and WALKED AWAY FREE of your burden. Take AUTHORITY, in My name, Jesus, over satan in the situation and SURRENDER completely to Me because you TRUST Me to take care of it or reveal to you what you should do. I am all you need to have lasting PEACE in life! I am and always will be at the point of every need in your life, when you COME to Me with childlike FAITH in My Love for you. Do not worry; do not fret; live in My PEACE.
I am all you need to have lasting PEACE in life!