Dear Child, I know your heart for your dear ones who are going through renewal.
I am with them and I am comforting them. The healing process is not easy, but the more they depend on Me and give of themselves to Me, the more PEACE and REST will permeate the struggle of their Will fighting Mine. I need My Children to come clean to Me, lay everything down at My feet. I need them to GIVE UP and just TRUST ME. It is hard to give up control, even when you really know you have lost control of your lives. I love all of you and I want to stop your pain. I want to give you a gift of Joy in your life on earth. I want you to realize that I am on your side, no matter what you have done. Ask Me to Forgive you
—-I WILL! Ask Me to take over your life and renew your desires in life.
—-I WILL! It is My Will that you live in peace, joy, security, and service to the Father.
He has planned the best for you who want to live in Obedience to His Loving Will for your life. He has only goodness in store for those who make Him their priority. LIVE IN LOVE WITH JESUS. Learn more about Him everyday through prayer, His Word, worshiping, talking, and listening to His gentle voice in your heart….that being My Holy Spirit. He will grow you up and put you on a solid foundation of forgiveness, assurance of Eternal Life, a peaceful joyful life on earth with faith and trust in Me that will see you through anything and everything you face in life. I AM YOUR GOD, YOUR CREATOR, YOUR FRIEND, YOUR SAVIOR, YOUR PROVIDER, YOUR TEACHER, YOUR HEVENLY KING awaiting your arrival in My Heavenly Kingdom. Devote yourself to Me as I have devoted Myself to you.
Live in Love with Jesus, learning more about Him everyday.