(Lord Jesus, I trust that You will make my life more what it should be…..more like You. I want to do and be what you tell Me. Thank You for Your Grace.)
My Child, how do you expect Me to perform Miracles in your life when you are not thinking of Me. Get your mind off the foolishness of the world and filter everything you hear and everyone you see through Me by saying My Name often, Praising, Worshiping and Thanking Me. You will see everything from My point of view. When you really get this and begin living this way more and more, THEN, life and service in Me will take a drastically different turn.
These things that I CALL you to are against human nature since the sin of Adam and Eve, so I know there is always a struggle between your desire to obey and your nature, but keep your eyes on Me, My Name on your lips and I WILL TRANSFORM YOU! Relax in Me. Never feel defeated or pressured to do anything I ask of you. You see, when I ask something of you, I have already provided the clarity, energy, knowledge, prudence, persistence, desire and the successful outcome. All you, My Children, have to do is be WILLING, OBEDIENT, FAITHFUL and TRUST ME above all. I’ll show you what I will do through you…..an imperfect vessel that is very dear to My Heart. Go in PEACE, My Child; I KNOW YOU. (T.Y.J.)
…I know there is always a struggle between your desire to obey and your nature.