My dear Children, give your heart away! Do not hoard the love I pour into you; keep it flowing. The more you give away, the more I give to you.
Resist petty discrepancies between you and others. Let your mind and heart follow My train of thought…..that being…..the BEST of everyone…..MERCIFUL…..FORGIVING. With this frame of mind, the love I give you can freely flow to others. Satan cannot influence you against others because your mind and heart are set on OBEDIENCE.
My Children, the things I CALL you to do are always for your good… strengthen you, to give you happiness and peace, to make you a resilient soldier that will go forward in any situation with LOVE, MERCY and impenetrable FAITH. History has shown My FAITHFULNESS and will continue to do so. You, My dear Children, are so important to the PLAN of the Father. Please, keep COMING in PRAYER alone with Me so the Holy Spirit can enlighten your mind and open and fill your heart! ‘
Let your mind and heart follow My train of thought…the BEST of everyone…MERCIFUL…FORGIVING.