(Lord God of Heaven and earth, I’m sorry for neglecting prayer time lately and getting behind with entries on Your website, but thank You for never neglecting me. Thank You for allowing me to always feel safe and loved by You.)
Make sure that you do Come to Me in prayer because satan will attack you and you will be more vulnerable without having filled up with Me during daily prayer and listening. I have so much to teach you during this time together. You receive so much without even realizing it.
The Holy Spirit is infusing your heart and mind with knowledge of Me, with a greater awareness of My Love for you, with a desire to love others, and to live in honesty, peace, kindness, mercy, and patience.
Each time you are with Me alone, I am giving you more of My Nature. Dear Children, desire to be with Me so I can make you into the image of your Father in Heaven, who ALREADY SEES YOU AS PERFECT because of MY SACRIFICE.
Each time you are with Me alone, I am giving you more of My Nature.