(Thank You, dear Jesus, for healing my sister faster than normal and with less pain than usual because You show favor to Your faithful servants and she is one. Please give her restraint during recovery so she doesn’t overdo or perform any duties that could harm her later. T.Y.J.) Holy child of God, who believes in Me no matter what is going on, I will truly show favor for those whose lives bare the fruit of FAITH and SERVICE. In the Heavenly realm, there is only GOODNESS and all the Angels anticipate their Calling to protect and make a way for My Holy Children…..those who KNOW Me and live FOR Me above all else. You, dear Ones, can always count on Me to provide all that you need when you need it and more. In the eyes of the Father, you are as precious stones, sparkling gems and pristine diamonds. Your FAITH and TRUST, PRAISE, WORSHIP and OBEDIENT SERVICE gives you the glistening halo that transcends back to Heaven. The Father is so pleased when He sees how much you love Him and how much your heart desires to obey Him.
In the eyes of the Father, you are as precious stones, sparkling gems and pristine diamonds.