Excerpt from “God Calling” edited by A. J. Russell:
“Think of Me. Look at Me often, and unconsciously you will grow like Me. You may never see it. The nearer you get to Me, the more will you see your unlikeness to Me. So be comforted My children.”
Your very deep sense of failure is a sure sign that you are growing nearer to Me. And if you desire to help others to Me, then that prayer-desire is answered.
“Remember too, it is only struggle that hurts. In sloth, spiritual, or mental, or physical, there is no sense of failure or discomfort, but with action, with effort, you are conscious not of strength but of weakness–at least, at first.”
That again is a sign of Life, of spiritual growth. And remember, My Strength is made perfect in weakness.
Your very deep sense of failure is a sure sign that you are growing nearer to Me.