From the New Spirit Filled Life Bible, New King James Version:
KINGDOM DYNAMICS on John 2:12-14…..GROWTH IN STAGES: “When a baby is born, biologically he has everything he needs for adulthood. He just has to grow into it. The same is true with our spiritual progress. Godly growth is a providential journey of becoming what we already are. These verses do not refer to ages as much as to STAGES of godly development. “As infants or’little children,’ we are excited about the newness of a relationship with God. But as we feed on the milk of the Word (1 Peter 2:2), we see that there is more to Salvation than the forgiveness of our sins. We grow beyond our infancy into young adult lives of challenge and victory as people who live daily by faith (Cor. 5:7). “Finally,’fatherhood’ is that designation given to saints who have come to know God as friend. Fathers know the joy and peace of intimacy with the Lord and endeavor to begin producing spiritual offspring through the living process of discipleship (Matt. 28:19,20). It is important to ask ourselves if we are progressing to new levels of spiritual growth. ”
1 John 1:7….. “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another…”
1 John 2:6….. “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked. “
It is important to ask ourselves if we are progressing to new levels of spiritual growth.